Popular Cat Names 2024 | Nameberry

Posted by Aldo Pusey on Friday, September 20, 2024

Popular cat names that rank in the Top 100 are varied and unusual, including human names along with names related to their species. Kitty and Tiger are among the top cat names, but popular baby names such as Luna and Oliver are top choices for cats as well.

Along with Luna, other popular girl cat names include Bella, Lucy, Daisy, and Willow — all also popular for human babies. In addition to Oliver, popular boy cat names that are stylish for humans include Leo, Milo, Jack, and Oscar.

Many cat owners choose popular cat names inspired by famous felines in pop culture, including Nala, Salem, Simba, Binx, Tigger, Garfield, Hobbes, and Bagheera. Other cat name trends include mythological names like Freya and Thor, along with terms of endearment such as Boo, Bean, and Bubba.

While there’s no authoritative national count of popular cat names, statistics from several reliable sources were combined to calculate these names most popular for thousands of cats in the US.

For lots more cat names, check out our pages on Unique Cat Names and Pet Names.

And try our amazing Cat Name Generator!
